Sunday, November 16, 2008

UFC Dependent on the Fight

I recently posted information (which I deleted) stating that I was going to the UFC win or lose. After checking the validity of the article, I was informed that going to the UFC is dependent on my next fight. My manager said that he was misquoted. I am told the UFC will base it's decision on which heavier weights they will take after the WEC's Dec. 3rd fight. Sorry about the poor information. I jumped the gun a little. In truth, I am not worried about what organization I go to next. Where ever God leads me that's where I'll go and where ever organization I fight for, I will fight with all my heart, strength, and mind. Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

artnstrctr said...

Mark, I wish you well brother. Keep your faith and don't forget you holds you in His hands. You're in my prayers as you have been each time you fight.
Read Jude 4. Most appropriate for what we do.

SJ in Lodi